Saturday, June 1, 2013

My father-in-law, the artist

   For quite some time now I have been wanting to post photos of some amazing carvings by my father-in-law, Don Sadler. Twice over the past few months he has gathered up and displayed most of his work for others to enjoy at a couple of local events. He is shy and extremely modest about what he has accomplished, and uncomfortable being the centre of attention, so were were tickled that he was willing to go along with the show. It's quite remarkable to see so many different and varied carvings and turnings that he has made over the years. When he was quite young, he did his first carvings in bars of Ivory soap. When he was a teenager, he experimented with soft wood and made this wee bunny.

He graduated to this more detailed carving of a motorcyclist.


Then he created bowls, vases, animals, and all kinds of interesting and beautiful works of art.

 He loves working with interesting wood grains as well as combining different types of wood.

It's quite a collection!

 Once when I looked in awe at some of his amazing artwork, he said, 
"You might think that working with wood is difficult, but at least wood holds still. Fabric is thin and wiggly and moves all over the place. Now that's difficult!" 
See what I mean about him being so modest?

All the best,

Judy Ann

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Lovely work, Mr. Sadler! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful craftsmanship! What a great gift you have; to see a piece of wood and create the awesome things you do! (So sweet of you to share this Judy!)
